Zomo Newen. Weaving the resistance memory together

Text: Elisa García Mingo

Photografhy: LolaMora

Zomo Newen. Stories of life of Mapuche women in their struggle for indigenous rights is not just a book, but an act of memory, a discursive movement destined to reclaim spaces for circulating in the public space stories that were never narrated: those of many women involved in the struggle for the rights of the Mapuche people.

From heaven to earth: narrate the memory in the tropic

Text: Óscar Ulloa Calzada

Being helpless by an earthquake is a fact, eating the helplessness is an act. Between fact and act, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca, expanded the territory of memory to stay away from oblivion. Here is the story of how a Mexican community has sought to overcome the opprobrium since September 7, 2017, when the earth shook and the sky announced it.

To remember the silence, to resist forgetting. 20 years after the paramilitary massacre in Monteloro

Text: Laura Langa Martínez

Photografhy: Ariel Arango Prada

Silence. Neglect. Loneliness. All the words that flow and do not flow are pierced by pain and rage. On the road to Monteloro, Barbosa (Antioquia), on the evening of June 27, 1998, a group of paramilitaries assassinated six people with abusive confidence. Destructive cruelty. Two decades later there is no justice in a path full of absences. Of pains that gnaw. Of never saying. And of never be listened to.

Recuperar a un hijo, remover la tierra herida/ / Recover a son, stir the injured earth

Text: Laura Langa Martínez

Photografhy: Ariel Arango Prada

Oscar was assassinated by the Colombian army and they made him pass as a “criminal killed in combat”. His body was buried as unidentified, NN. A state crime. A crimes against humanity. A decade later his family returns to the place where everything happened to uncover the horror and the truth that awaits under the earth. To honor his memory and recover his body..

Memorias Comunes, un espacio para recordar/ Common Memories, a space to remember

The verb “remember” died, not only do we not hear but we stop remembering to memorize, just repeat! In a world that deafened the sound of memories and where a few survive by remembering -thinking since their existence- even though others try to silence them.